[Updated] Headlines Live!

@TheSaturdays Headlines Live! finally aired on TV, although it is on Channel4 NEXT Sunday – 5th June at 11.25am (ish) this is the Smash Hits airing from yesterday, we’ll replace it with a higher quality one next week:

Update: I’ve managed to get around the shortcomings of the TiVo box, to bring an updated version of the concert which is the proper size and scale. Apparently VirginMedia (my cable company) are aware of the issue and are trying to fix it with software updates. We will still post a higher quality version when it airs next weekend.

Can you spot yourself in the audience? Tho they’ve seemingly removed the live references to “London” – check the Higher pre-order on iTunes with Notorious to the version aired on this show ….

The songs they played are:
1. Higher
2. Puppet
3. Issues
4. Just Can’t Get Enough
5. Forever Is Over
6. Ego

An additional note is that Notorious has dropped to number 14 on iTunes now (it was as high as number 5 on Tuesday – so thats a bit of a slip – so keep promoting the single everyone!

[Updated] Headlines Live! Read More »