Mollie’s B’day Book and more!

Firstly, again, sorry for the lack of site updates. Been so busy at work, studying in the evening, plus went to the Beyonce concert on Saturday at London’s O2, what an amazing show, so if you are going you are in for an amazing experience!

I don’t think I’ve missed much, the Not Giving Up video has hit the 1m views point on Youtube. So make sure you head over there and view it! Remember its released in just over a months time, so hopefully the promo for the song will be announced shortly.

Vanessa attended the Philippine Typhoon Disasters Appeal Gala on Sunday evening with Gary, I’ve added a few pictures of the lovely Vanessa at the end of this article.

Also if you’ve not heard, this years birthday book for Mollie has an additional appeal going on, we are trying to gain as much money as we possibly can for the charity Dyslexia Action, in rather amazing start we’ve already raised ยฃ200! This is with just the help of you guys and girls in the community, we’ve had no promo from the girls mailer (yet!) and other sources, this is purely from social networking and your very awesome generosity! We appeal if you haven’t yet donated to pop over to the official JustGIving page and donate as little – or as much as you want, huge thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

There has also been a lot of public debate recently over Dyslexia, and if it actually exists or not. I suggest if you are thinking about donating, or want to know more about this debate, then to visit this blog post which was been excellently written by Rosie.

We will be actively entering discussions with the girls management, and dyslexia action in the near future to make sure Mollie gets the book, and the charity – and everyone who donated – get the recognition you all deserve. So please donate if you can ๐Ÿ™‚


Mollie’s B’day Book and more!