Welcome to The Saturdays Fansite

It’s been a long time coming. We’ve decided to give the site a bit of a makeover, it’s still a bit work in progress, but finding time to spend on getting everything ready has been proving difficult, working full time and living my own life, and then having to keep the site up-to-date its all a lot of time and effort, so rather than saying with the classic ‘On Your Radar’ look from several years ago we’ve gone live tonight with the new look. The new look is more dynamic than the last, so it should fill your computer screen better. It’s also a tad more dynamic for mobile devices, but we are working on a proper mobile look – many of you have noticed a slight change on that front – again this is a work in progress, changes will keep happening (and hopefully for the better!)

I will take this opportunity to thank you for visiting, be it since we launched in 2008 or if this is your first visit here. We are glad you’ve decided to visit us. I also want to personally thank Kieran (@TheSaturdaysNo1) for making the lovely banners at the top, we hope he can bring us more over the coming months 🙂 We also like to thank Manuel (@Saaaturday) for making the site logo 🙂

Apart from the layout change, nothing else is new. It’s still just me (Matt) working on the site with help from some very good friends now and again, but as cheesy as it sounds without you guys and girls visiting it’s pointless us being here!

As I promised on Twitter we are running a few competitions to celebrate the relaunch, they will be up before the weekend 🙂

PS What Are You Waiting For, and Finest Selection are out now!

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