bbc news

Frankie Confronts

Our very own Frankie Bridge was trolled on social media, with some users branding her “fat” while she was pregnant with her first child.
So what drives someone to send abusive messages to strangers? She met someone who trolls people online to ask him.
She also spoke to a national magazine editor about “fat-shaming” articles, and to other victims of trolling about the impact the abuse they received has had.

If the embed link below isn’t working you can catch the full 15min video via the BBC Website

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Talking Shop: The Saturdays

With The Sugababes missing in action and Girls Aloud on indefinite hiatus, The Saturdays, by default, have become Britain’s top girl band.

Since 2008, the five-piece have scored seven top 10 hits, and are aiming for an eighth with new single Missing You.

The song, which borrows JLS’s “raveballad” template, precedes a mini-album later this month.

According to their record label, the CD will “act as a bridge” between last year’s Wordshaker and a full album in 2011.

Singer Vanessa White explains the concept to the BBC – and recounts the band’s horrible history of leg injuries.

Your last album only came out in October. How did you get another one ready so soon?

To be honest, we took a break at the beginning of the year and within that time, we went to the studio loads and did some really, really cool stuff.

We weren’t really supposed to be releasing anything til next year but we couldn’t wait, so we decided to do a mini-album instead.

What exactly is a mini-album?

A normal album would maybe consist of 12 or 13 tracks, but here we have eight. It’ll be cheaper for the fans – and then hopefully we’ll finish the other songs and put something else out later.

Missing You is quite a departure from your normal style. Why is that?

If you listened to the album, you’d say it was an updated version of our sound. Missing You is more out-there than that rest of it. It’s fun to experiment.

Click “more” to continue reading Vanessa’s Interview.

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