[Updated] V Festival 2011: Performances

Here’s @thesaturdays performance at the 2011 V Festival:


PLEASE NOTE: At the start (Ego) there is an echo in the audio, I resolve this though Up – but there is a flick away from the video as I fix that –  beyond that it is all good. Maybe another copy will appear without these ‘issues’ but something is better than nothing right? Please note this is a screen recording and please treat is as one, its not meant to be HQ but it is viewable.

Update: There was another Interview with the girls, and a mini behind-the-scenes sort of video from the late night highlights show, you can view that at the bottom of the post. Sadly no additional performance as they re-showed the I Need A Dollar performance.

Videos from the Channel 4 broadcast:

I Need A Dollar / Buzzin’ (Channel 4 HD)

Interview (Channel 4 HD)


Interview & Behind The Scenes (Channel 4 HD)


[Updated] V Festival 2011: Performances Read More »