The Saturdays

This is generic news about The Saturdays.

What’s this? To The Beat Of My Heart

Hello! What’s this? I’m not quite sure either, but it’s been pretty quiet on the music front for The Saturdays, but we now have some news … no no sorry it’s not the reunion but it’s not bad!

Steps - To The Beat Of My Heart

Steps, also managed by Fascination Management, release their brand new album this Friday – What The Future Holds – but this track To The Beat Of My Heart is out now! Now why on earth am I posting this … well for those who don’t know this song (in another form, with another title) was apparently set to be the 3rd single from Mollie’s (cancelled) solo album, the track also has Mollie listed as a co-writer.

The song was written by Mollie King, MNEK and the Xenomania team, and is the perfect antidote for the current times, a perfect pop song. So support Mollie (why not!) and stream this on your preferred streaming service or purchase the song!

What’s this? To The Beat Of My Heart Read More »

Frankie Bridge : Open

Mental Health affects us all, In OPEN, Frankie Bridge opens up about her ongoing journey from breakdown to breakthroughs and through self-loathing, hospitalization and self-acceptance. Part narrative exploration, part guide, this book will help you to understand the importance of talking and helping each other.

It will also feature guidance and advice from the psychologist and psychiatrist who pulled her back from the brink along with their notes on her and conversations with her. This book will help people open up about their mental health and encourage us all to speak out.

Buy Open now from your local bookstore, or alternatively pick it up online at Amazon or your favourite online retailer.

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If This Is Love – 10th Year Anniversary

If This Is Love
If This Is Love – 10th Anniversary

Today, isn’t just like any other. On the 27th July 2008, a new girl-group called The Saturdays entered the world of music by releasing their debut single ‘If This Is Love’, us like many others of you out there, rushed out to our local HMV, maybe even Woolworths (Yes, it was still open then, just!), your local Zavvi (Formally Virgin Megastore), or even just your local store to grab hold of the CD Single! Many did embrace the iTunes store and download it digitally too – our original post from 10 years ago (we feel old!) is available to view here.

Over the next few years, The Saturdays spawned 18 odd singles, four odd albums, a couple of EPs and a greatest hits – they also spawned a few kids of their own too, but more importantly the group created friendships – a common interest shared by a group of people who would have probably never had met, or crossed paths. Many friendships, and relationships, are still going strong today, some might have slipped and gone, and some might unfortunately be no-longer with us, but are never ever forgotten.

So here’s to If This Is Love, and the journey it started for all of us over the years, to the highs it brought us, to the many times it bought us all together to share a laugh, a joke, a drink or two or a meal. To the times it made us travel far too long across the country to see the girls do a 10minute set at a random festival (and to Stoke!), and more importantly to Frankie, Una, Vanessa, Rochelle and Mollie, the five girls who made all this possible.

Thank you!

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10th Birthday! Happy Birthday to us!

Wow, not only is this an update, it’s also our 10th birthday celebration!!

A little over 10 years ago a group of people on an S Club Juniors (or S Club 8) forum noticed that a couple of members of that group where apart of something fresh and new, some random all-girl group called ‘The Saturdays’. Very little was known about this group, but a few collective minds puled together and a small site was born. We poked around the Internet for information, we came across information about their debut single, posted some photos from their debut music video, and within a few days I got an e-mail from a record label asking for them to be removed as the group wasn’t ready for their release yet – oops! Then so it started, lots of updates, lots of hours spending ending videos, lots and lots of helpers on the site coming and going, amazing support from the five members of the group, equally amazing support from the girls latter management at Fascination and here we are sitting at our 10th anniversary.

It might ‘only’ be a website, but I still hear stories on how the site has brought out friendships and relationships – and many are still going strong today! I will take this opportunity to personally thank everyone who has helped with this site over the last 10 years, your dedication helped create what this site became. I also extend my thanks to Mollie, Una, Frankie, Vanessa and Rochelle, whoms music, and lifes we all spent many a time with over the years created a bond, a common ground that we all shared a part of and celebrated together on this website and to the girls management who have been understanding and supportive of the fans of the girls giving us all as much access as possible to be on the same journey as the girls.

Not in the slightest would I have thought that in 2008 that I would be posting an update in 2018 celebrating the 10th anniversary of this website, so thank you to YOU, the visitor, those who have been coming since day 1 or those who have stumbled upon us whilst searching for something completely unrelated. The kind words from you online, via e-mail, socialmedia or even in person at events and concerts keep the flame going and making all the effort worthwhile.

Here’s to the next 10 years – or The Saturdays Juniors … maybe?

As always, we’re Not Giving Up, by Living For The Weekend (It is Saturday afterall!)

*Raises a glass*

– Matt x

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Goodbye 2017 ..

Bin bags – the height of 2008 fashion!

Hello everyone! I write this as a more of a blog style post, its 26th December, or what might be known as Boxing Day in various parts of the world, and on this day in 2001 one of my most favourite pop groups decided to split up, days after yet another huge successful arena tour and there was plently of rumours about a new album being recorded (remember this was the day of online forums, SocialMedia and twitter where mearly just twinkles in people’s future eyes!)

Where am I going with this … Well this year this pop group … Steps … came back on the comeback trail again, backed by the team behind The Saturdays, and took part in a very successful tour, a celebrated album which has now sold over 100,000 copies in the UK and with a live album/bluray release of the tour due in 2018. It was a very enjoyable tour for all the fans of old, the group has grown up, as have we as fans, but everyone had a fun time remembering the times of old and leaving everything at the door to just have a few hours of fun, laugher and dance!

I also – for the first time in 20 years – met the group I spent hours over Christmas 2001 getting their Gold Tour on my Steps website, now remembering this is 2001 so computers barely had the power of a 2017 mobile phone, endless hours over the Christmas period uploading (in realvideo format, anyone actually remember that?) and getting it online before going to family! The best moment for me during my meet & greet at Wembley Arena was Lisa referring me to”Mr GenSTEPS” 20 odd years later, it’s a surreal experience but evidence enough that fans can really support the group that they love, adore, or simply just love the music or certain members – it doesn’t get forgotten!

Not sure if the team at Fascination read this site that much these days, but I do thank thanks for bringing back one of my old pop favourites and doing it so well!

Ultimately I think its fair to say that never give up on your dreams, or hopes, if the chances of a Saturdays reunion look as slim as ever, don’t let people knock you back or down living that hope, or dream, as one day it might well happen. I’ve been in a successful position to have met the Saturdays on a few occasions (although to this day, very rarely as a whole five piece!), I think what is important is that you don’t give up on your dreams, as it shows with Steps, even 20 years later the group, or individual members, will still remember who you are and what you have done, so if you have never met the girls but contributed to birthday books, sent in items, gifts, really never say never!

2018 is our 10th year annivarsary – we launched in 2008 – and although updates are few and far between, I know some of you have  been here since day one, and I can only thank you for your continued support. One day I hope I can post something that (some) of us are waiting to hear, but until then lets hope 2018 gives us some more solo music, or television, or whatever happens to be reported on!

Whatever happens, or doesn’t, I’m sure we will be around to report on it (eventually!) – keep in touch! – @TheSatsCoUk 🙂

Happy Holidays to everyone, have a safe one, and enjoy it with friends and family. Here’s to Mollie creating the ‘New Rules‘ of 2018! Cheers!

– Matt x

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Mollie in Fabulous: Love, Life, Strictly and her love of pop music

Mollie has spoken in depth to The Sun – Fabulous Magazine, and has spoken about her love for American Men, her upcoming Strictly stint, and her upcoming album.

Not only is she one of the favourites to claim the Strictly Come Dancing glitter ball trophy when the new series kicks off next month, but she’s also about to (re)launch her solo career with a self-penned explosion of a tune reminiscent of the Spice Girls at their pop peak.

It adds up to what promises to be a busy next few months.

“I’m beyond excited,” she says of the Strictly news.

“I’ve grown up loving watching people dance, so to have the opportunity to do that one-to-one with a professional – you can’t buy that.”

Does her eight years’ dance experience as one fifth of The Saturdays put her at an advantage? Mollie, 30, says not.

“I’m not a dancer, I never went to stage school so I don’t have that background. I was kicked out of ballet when I was three – the teacher told my mum I had no grace and she was wasting her money!

“The Saturdays was more: ‘Pose here, pose there, change formation.’ This is a whole different ball game, so I’m worried that people will expect me to be a lot better than I actually am!”

You can read the full article on The Sun website, or pick up a copy of Fabulous magazine which is with today’s copy of The Sun newspaper.

Mollie in Fabulous: Love, Life, Strictly and her love of pop music Read More »

Today we reach our 9th Birthday ..

Cakes all around! The Saturdays celebrate TheSatsCoUK 9th birthday in style .. with tea and cakes!

Yes, I know, it’s a website, how can it have a birthday? Well really it can’t, but 7th April 2017 is the 9th year, lets say anniversary, of The Saturdays Fansite.

I know I post these every year, and every year it’s pretty much the same, but although updates are a lot less, and what is actually going on is a lot less, we have been around serving The Saturdays (or solo) related tidbits for 9 years. Some of you reading this have probably been coming here for 9 years, others might have just stumbled across this page today whilst searching for The Saturdays, or one of it’s members and what they might or might not be doing recently. Either way thank you for visiting, without the visitors the website would be nothing!

As always a huge thanks to everyone who invested time in this site throughout the years, no matter how large or small the involvement, it was a key involvement in creating what the site had become over the years.

Thanks to Mollie, Frankie, Una, Rochelle and Vanessa for being so supportive over the years with the site, which makes all the hard work worth it. Also thanks to Adam, Sarah, Peter and the rest of the team at Fascination who probably thought they had a break from me .. then they go manage Steps!

Hopefully the girls will continue their own solo ventures over the next 12 months so we can reach the big 10! Here’s to the next 12 months!

Today we reach our 9th Birthday .. Read More »

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