Site News

This is news about the site itself.

10th Birthday! Happy Birthday to us!

Wow, not only is this an update, it’s also our 10th birthday celebration!!

A little over 10 years ago a group of people on an S Club Juniors (or S Club 8) forum noticed that a couple of members of that group where apart of something fresh and new, some random all-girl group called ‘The Saturdays’. Very little was known about this group, but a few collective minds puled together and a small site was born. We poked around the Internet for information, we came across information about their debut single, posted some photos from their debut music video, and within a few days I got an e-mail from a record label asking for them to be removed as the group wasn’t ready for their release yet – oops! Then so it started, lots of updates, lots of hours spending ending videos, lots and lots of helpers on the site coming and going, amazing support from the five members of the group, equally amazing support from the girls latter management at Fascination and here we are sitting at our 10th anniversary.

It might ‘only’ be a website, but I still hear stories on how the site has brought out friendships and relationships – and many are still going strong today! I will take this opportunity to personally thank everyone who has helped with this site over the last 10 years, your dedication helped create what this site became. I also extend my thanks to Mollie, Una, Frankie, Vanessa and Rochelle, whoms music, and lifes we all spent many a time with over the years created a bond, a common ground that we all shared a part of and celebrated together on this website and to the girls management who have been understanding and supportive of the fans of the girls giving us all as much access as possible to be on the same journey as the girls.

Not in the slightest would I have thought that in 2008 that I would be posting an update in 2018 celebrating the 10th anniversary of this website, so thank you to YOU, the visitor, those who have been coming since day 1 or those who have stumbled upon us whilst searching for something completely unrelated. The kind words from you online, via e-mail, socialmedia or even in person at events and concerts keep the flame going and making all the effort worthwhile.

Here’s to the next 10 years – or The Saturdays Juniors … maybe?

As always, we’re Not Giving Up, by Living For The Weekend (It is Saturday afterall!)

*Raises a glass*

– Matt x

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What The Saturdays Song has influnced you?

We are trying to put together an The Saturdays ultimate poll, every song to pick from, you simply vote for your favourite five.

Songs that might have an effect on your life, give you that certain memory, songs that just simply make you smile, or get up and dance, or even shed a tear. Whatever the reason vote for your favourite five songs and you can also enter our prize draw to win some goodies!

Sounds good? We hope so, so head over to our voting page

Please share the link on social media, facebook etc. The more votes we get, the more accurate the poll is. Sadly as of now we’ve not had enough votes to even make the poll worth publishing so please vote and share!!

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Explanation ….

Hey TeamSats!

I just thought I’d take a few minutes to explain my situation and how it’s obviously affected the site in the last month!

As you have probably noticed the site has not had the regular updates that I try and do. This is down to a number of reasons, the main one being that my role at work has been changed slightly and where as before I’ve been able to sit down for 15-20mins at the start of each day to check for updates, this is no-longer possible. So updates should have shifted until late afternoon – when I get back from work – but alas I have a University exam next Monday, which I’m very under prepared for so that has been taking up my evenings!

Obviously this isn’t planned, but sadly work has decided to remove my main working place over the summer and now I’m working in many different locations over the week which has hampered the ability for morning updates!

To add more complications to the updates, as some of you might be aware, my girlfriend has now got a job in London and is moving in with me this weekend. Which is amazing, but has obviously (and rightly so!) got in the way with the website.

I plan to get everything back up and running the best I can in the near future, but hopefully you can all understand that life needs to have priority over The Saturdays, as much as we all love the group we do need to put ourselves first from time to time and for me this is one of those times!

I promise the 2015 Calendar Competition will be coming before the weekend, hopefully today, but if not tomorrow!

Thanks for your understanding!

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Sunday Updates

Hey all! Just a quick post to say that today I will bring the site up to date with what was missed in the last week, this includes videos, performances, interviews, news, and of course Not Giving Up will be charting today – sadly outside the Top 10 it seems – so we will bring an update on that later in the day.

Keep an eye on our twitter for when updates are posted @TheSatsCoUk

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Happy Birthday To Us!

In an amazing turn of events, today sees The Saturdays Fansite reach it’s 6th birthday.

As those of you who have been here since Day 1, I generally write a long, drawn out message but this year I’m going to keep it quick and simple.

Never once would I have thought that this site would still be going six years later, it is a pretty amazing achievement, so thank to everyone who has helped over the years.

Secondly huge and personal thanks from me, to each of the five members of The Saturdays, thanks for your kind words over the years and the support that you have shown the site. Also thanks to the girls management and their record label who have also been very kind and supportive over the years.

And last, but never least, major thanks to you, the visitors, who keep coming to the site and seeing what stuff I decide to post on a daily (or so) basis.

I ended last year’s message by saying:

Thank you one and all! Lets hope Year 6 produces the new album, a new tour and everything we can wish for, the same way Year 5 ended with the girls first UK Number One single!

Sadly it seems the number one single isn’t forthcoming, but the tour certainly is!

Here we roll into Year 7 … which is scary and exciting at the same time. Thanks to you all from the deepest part of my heart!

Matt 🙂 x

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[Update] Happy Birthday to Us! Five Today!

Update: At 4.25 this afternoon, we got a tweet from @UnaTheSats herself! Awesome. Many thanks Una 🙂


Never would I have thought from when ideas of this site where nothing but talk in late 2007, from our launch in April 2008 to this present day, I would be sitting here typing a message that was celebrating our 5th year online. Firstly just a quick thanks to the girls, their record label and management who we have development a great relationship over the years, and for their very kind message in the girls official mailer that everyone should have received yesterday in the e-mail! For those who didn’t get it, then check out the – cheeky – message they was left for us below 😉


Again, thank you all for your support, it’s made our work a little easier, and we will continue to be here to support the girls for the foreseeable future 🙂

I’ll keep this short and soppy-free but I do feel 5 years does show a lot of work, effort, dedication, and love towards the group. Updates over the past 5 years probably average around 3-4 items a week, obviously videos are very well received and take more effort, and if it wasn’t for the constant love the site gets from the visitors we would have probably stopped a long time ago.

So without sounding like a awarding winning speech, this is how it goes.

Firstly I would like to thank every single person who has worked on this site, from is conception to the present day. There has been an awful lot of you, but you know if you have helped out, in whatever way. You have helped round the site to what it is today in all your own unique ways, so thank you.

Obviously I also extend thanks out to The Saturdays, Una, Frankie, Mollie, Rochelle and Vanessa. We are sure that they poke their nose in now and then and Mollie’s mum also seems to be a fan of the site, so thank you girls for all that you do and long may it continue so that we can! Plus also thanks to the girls label and management who have been very understanding with our requests and have met a few of them, so your help has been priceless.

Last and never least, is you guys and girls. The ones reading this message now, the ones that have been visiting since day 1, or have just visited this weekend due to the mailer mention. Its you who come and look at what we post, reply to us on twitter and facebook, who make all the effort worth it. If we didn’t have any love from the people this site is aimed at, we wouldn’t have made it though five years. So I thank every single one of you, and hope you continue to promote us in your own way to friends and family who need their Saturdays fix.

Thank you one and all! Lets hope Year 6 produces the new album, a new tour and everything we can wish for, the same way Year 5 ended with the girls first UK Number One single!

Thanking you all!

– Matt xx

[Update] Happy Birthday to Us! Five Today! Read More »

Site News

Just a quick update, it has been noticed that when searching and reaching this site via google it says that ‘This Site may be compromised’ I assure you that visiting this site is safe. Google’s own webmaster tools say that the site isn’t infected and the process that google say to follow to remove the warning cannot be done as google says it is clean – click here to see that google says the site is clean –  we are contacting google directly to get additional information about this.

Many Thanks,

– Matt

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