dyslexia action

Dyslexia Awareness Week

As you might (or might not) know, this week is Dyslexia Awareness Week. There’s a whole bunch of activities going on, take a look at the Dyslexia Action and the British Dyslexia Association 🙂

If you cast your mind back, in the early summer myself and Rosie popped over to Dyslexia Action HQ (of which Mollie is an ambassador!) and Rosie discussed and talked about Dyslexia. They have now made an edit of the video below, its a shame its only three minutes long, but sadly we had no control of the editorial process! But please take 3 mins and give it a look, and if you can get involved this week in Dyslexia Awareness Week 2014!

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Mollie’s Birthday Book 2014

Hey all. These pictures will probably end up all over the Internet before I post them, so a quick post now.

Note please ask permission before using these pictures, as myself, Rosie and Claire are actually IN the picture and we probably don’t want it on every site going. If you want to use the picture or are using the picture please tweet us and inform us first. Twitter names are below. Many thanks 🙂

This weekend gone myself (@TheSatsCoUk), Rosie (@marvelousmollie) and Claire (@idekclxire), where lucky enough to be allowed backstage at Westfield London to present Mollie with her 2014 Birthday Book.

We where taken downstairs to the basement of the shopping centre to a small dressing room to chat with Mollie and present her with this years birthday book and of course the amazing £550 that you raised for Dyslexia Action.

Full details of what went down, apart from lots of hugs, selfies and chat, will be available to VIEW shortly (if you get what I mean 😉 )

Again, I want to personally thank EVERYONE who was involved with the book. Be it those who created the wonderful covers for the book and it’s sections, from those who took time to create a page or pages for the book, and also to everyone who donated. You are ALL individual and unique to this years birthday book, and watch this space for ideas on how to get involved in the 2015 book 🙂

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Mollie speaks out about dyslexia

Here’s an interview that Mollie did for the Nth Degree Book Club talking about becoming a Dyslexia Action Ambassador. The interview has been kindly given to the site by Rosie, (@MarvelousMollie) can you please contact her if you want to use the Interview, and leave her tags intact. This interview isn’t widely available as it appears in an exclusive book that costs £80!
After reading, Rosie has also written a blog about the interview, and about the filming that we did – yes I am involved – at Dyslexia Action HQ last week, so please give that a read and if you can please donate to Mollie’s 2014 Birthday Book, we are amazing just £13 short of an increased target of £350! 100% of the money goes direct to Dyslexia Action. NthDegreeMollieKing_TheSatsCoUk


WordPress seems to dynamically resize the picture depending on the resolution of your laptop which is making it unreadable for those on a smaller screen. I’ve uploaded it to the site gallery where you can view it at full size. Click here to view it in the site gallery :)

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Mollie King here and Mollie King there


It’s your Sunday evening Mollie update! Seems our Mollie has been grabbing the headlines over the last few days, and here’s how!

Firstly it has been announced that Mollie is a new ambassador for the charity close to her heart, Dyslexia Action, there’s a bit more on their website. This is also a good opportunity to remind you that for Mollie’s birthday book this year, people are raising money for Dyslexia Action, over £200 has been raised so far, so please donate if you can! 

Mollie has also been speaking to You Magazine (Mail On Sunday) about her upcoming Spring/Summer range for Oasis, that is set to be in stores from April 7th. Check out the source for the full interview, and here’s a bit of a behind-the-scenes video 🙂

Mollie King here and Mollie King there Read More »

Mollie’s B’day Book and more!

Firstly, again, sorry for the lack of site updates. Been so busy at work, studying in the evening, plus went to the Beyonce concert on Saturday at London’s O2, what an amazing show, so if you are going you are in for an amazing experience!

I don’t think I’ve missed much, the Not Giving Up video has hit the 1m views point on Youtube. So make sure you head over there and view it! Remember its released in just over a months time, so hopefully the promo for the song will be announced shortly.

Vanessa attended the Philippine Typhoon Disasters Appeal Gala on Sunday evening with Gary, I’ve added a few pictures of the lovely Vanessa at the end of this article.

Also if you’ve not heard, this years birthday book for Mollie has an additional appeal going on, we are trying to gain as much money as we possibly can for the charity Dyslexia Action, in rather amazing start we’ve already raised £200! This is with just the help of you guys and girls in the community, we’ve had no promo from the girls mailer (yet!) and other sources, this is purely from social networking and your very awesome generosity! We appeal if you haven’t yet donated to pop over to the official JustGIving page and donate as little – or as much as you want, huge thanks 🙂

There has also been a lot of public debate recently over Dyslexia, and if it actually exists or not. I suggest if you are thinking about donating, or want to know more about this debate, then to visit this blog post which was been excellently written by Rosie.

We will be actively entering discussions with the girls management, and dyslexia action in the near future to make sure Mollie gets the book, and the charity – and everyone who donated – get the recognition you all deserve. So please donate if you can 🙂


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National Lottery Anniversary Run



Hey all! As its still a tad quiet inbetween Mollie posting bikini pictures and Frankie’s baby shower, I’d thought I’d update you all on a little run me and Rosie did yesterday.

We both took part in the National Lottery Anniversary Run, which was the first official event to take place inside the London 2012 Olympic Stadium since the end of the Olympics last year. The run was 5 miles (8Km) around the London 2012 Olympic Site, finishing inside the Stadium in front of 20,000 odd people (and Little Mix!)

We both decided to run for two charities, one that you all know well – Dyslexia Action – and the Dyspraxia Association. On Saturday before the race, Mollie’s Mum, Sue, donated to our race, which was very kind and lovely of her, we thank her again on the site for her generosity.

We both completed the race in just under 1Hour 14mins. Which meant we ran each mile in just under 15mins – in the heat in central London – which although we both admit isn’t a staggering pace – this wasn’t a race about setting personal bests – although this is for both of us as its our first 5mile race – it was about raising money and awareness for charity! Hopefully we can both get an entry for the 2014 race and aim to finish under one hour.

To date we have raised £193! You can still donate online via JustGiving – if you can spare a couple of pounds, of even £1 we will be very grateful. You can donate no-matter where you live or what your currency is!

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Mollie takes It’s Me Choice Award 2012!




@MollieTheSats has done it again – thanks to you! Mollie has been crowned the It’s Me Choice Award winner for 2012! Huge thanks to everyone who voted for Mollie as an inspirational dyslexic. Full statement from Dyslexia Action is below:

Over the past month, we asked you to let us know who in the public eye with dyslexia inspires you the most and we are pleased to
let you know that the nominations are in and counted.

We can now confirm that the celebrity with the most nominations for the second year running is Mollie King, one fifth of super girl group, The Saturdays. Mollie speaks openly about being dyslexic and the challenges this presents and has given so many others the confidence to believe that their goals are achievable.

The It’s Me! Award is the only award presented at the annual Dyslexia Action Awards Dinner that is chosen by public nomination and we have had an overwhelming response this year with almost nine thousand nominations!

To showcase the fantastic nominees, we have created a pinterest board from the Wikipedia pages of those nominated. There are so many people who have not let dyslexia hold them back from achieving their dreams, we hope that you find this board as inspiring and motivating as we do!

The Dyslexia Action Awards Dinner raises money to enable us to take action to help more children, young people and adults with dyslexia and literacy difficulties. If you would like to attend or to find out more about the event, please contact Lucy McNally. Individual tickets are £275 and table packages start from £2750.

Source: Dyslexia Action

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