It’s Little Saturdays plus Frankie’s Hen (again)

Seems Frankie just can’t get enough of having Hen do’s as she celebrated her SECOND on this weekend – without Una (whom is recovering from a bout of Tonsillitis)

It seems the girls where also mistaken for Little Mix at the Wireless Festival. A lot to do about nothing, the general public just see them both as girl groups anyway!

I’m doing a lot of behind-the-scenes work on the site, I’m hoping to get something ready soon – which explains why sometimes the site looks a bit weird – I am hoping to get it ready sooner rather than later, but if you do pop over and everything looks odd, don’t panic, all will return to normal soon!

Whilst you are waiting, I mean What Are You Waiting For? – give the video another view on youtube! Still not reached 500,000 yet! 

It’s Little Saturdays plus Frankie’s Hen (again) Read More »