music video

What Are You Waiting For? Plus tour talk

Firstly we start with the news that the What Are You Waiting For? music video has just passed 200k views! Let’s push it up to the 500,000 mark! You know you want to watch it again, What Are You Waiting For? – the link opens in a new window so you can listen whilst you catch up with the news 🙂

The Celeb Culture caught up with the girls at South West Live at the weekend. You can catch the interview below (after watching the video of course!) The girls talk (briefly) about the upcoming tour, but it’s all a bit hush-hush right now.

ITN also caught up with the girls at the same event, and have posted this video:

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New Single Premiere, North East Live

We start with the main news that The Saturdays new single, What Are You Waiting For, is set to première at some point this week. We assume it will be either Radio 1 or Capital, but more news on that shortly.

The girls also started their summer shows for 2014, not many this year, but they opened up at North East Live at Sunderland’s Stadium of Light. I believe the girls did 7 songs (correct me if I’m wrong) I’ve added a few pictures of the girls looking very lovely and summery below – again I WILL get around to the Gallery (promise!)

The media have also been showing pictures of the girls on the beach filming their new video a few weeks back – we posted some pictures on the day – but again I’ve added them below.

Other breaking news today that will affect the new single from The Saturdays, is that from 6th July the UK official charts will also include streaming data. So if you listen to songs via Spotify, Deezer, Napster, O2 Tracks, Xbox Music, Sony’s Music Unlimited or rara, for every 100 plays of the song, an additional sale will be added to song. So as well as buying the song, now is a great time to use Spotify (it’s free!) and listen to the song to increase those numbers! 

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Pictures from new music video!

Today The Saturdays are shooting the video for their new video, in Rhodes, Greece. We aren’t there sadly, still stuck in showery South London, but we have been sent in pictures from the video shoot.

We cannot confirm the song title, but the person who e-mailed us has informed us that the video is being shot in the First Choice Village resort in Rhodes, and the scenes below are shot in the swimming pool of the deluxe area of the resort. Yes I said swimming pool. The words ‘What Are You Waiting For’ appear within the song (Title?).

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New Music, Casio M&G

Hey all! Hope life is well and treating you all good.

We start with the news that we have music news. As confirmed by Rochelle and the girls official twitter, everyone is flying off this week to film the new music video for the girls! So expect lots of sun, sea, sand and First Choice logos! New music soon!! Even if it is a Greatest Hits release we can still look forward to the new songs, and of course the tour!!

The girls will hopefully start some rehearsals for the coming up summer shows too! The first one at North West Live is only 3 weeks away!

When the girls return it seems they are heading back to Westfield London. After their work there last November with Nokia, the girls are heading back there on June 14th to work alongside Casio Sheen and to promote some watches. As per the Nokia event, it is wristband only, you can collect them from Westfield on the day. SatsSheen

Westfield London doesn’t open until 10am, so someone will have an early morning it seems on the 14th! The restaurants inside the centre don’t open until 10am either!


Una has been speaking to the Irish Mirror about the ‘Pride of Ireland’ awards which she hosted. 

She said: “Every one of them was touching, every one of them made me realise just how much compassion and hope there is in Ireland.

“The stories were from across the counties and across life’s trials and while many of them were sad, they were also triumphant because of the work people have done to overcome obstacles and help others in dire straits.

“It was humbling and an honour to be part of the judging panel and it was really tough to come to any conclusion because they were all so worthy.”

I still have videos from Una and Rochelle from Britain’s Got More Talent from last week, if people still want to see these please tweet me at @TheSatsCoUk and if there is enough demand I will add them.

Also, not like anyone has forgotten, it’s Mollie’s birthday tomorrow. I spent the weekend working on the book alongside Rosie (@marvelousmollie) but you can still send in your pages until Thursday this week, and you can donate to the charity which is now standing at £420! Let’s try and make it £450!! 

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Get Ready, Get Set

Hey all! It’s Thursday, and we aren’t much closer to hearing about a tour, or the full promo schedule for Not Giving Up.

Latest from NGU, is that the song will still not be playlisted by Radio 1 next week, they did add Neon Jungle, so those who like a good conspiracy theory can go crazy. In all fairness its not stopped 5SOS heading to number one this week – they’ve had no support from Radio 1 either!

The girls are set to appear on Sunday Brunch (yay?!) on April 6th, although they aren’t down as a performer … so as of now we have confirmed TV of Lorraine on the 4th and Sunday Brunch on the 6th. The TV guides are moving up into Wednesday of the release week now, and nothing else (yet) has been confirmed.

The official (Cahill) remix video for Not Giving Up has premiered, you can catch that below!

Last night Vanessa attended an event to celebrate 25years of the Magnum Ice Cream! Sounds delicious, there is a couple of pictures of Vanessa below.

TheSatsCoUk-270314-01 TheSatsCoUk-270314-02

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