Mollie King crowned Most Inspirational Dyslexic Celebrity

Gorgeous pop star Mollie King, who as one fifth of the UK’s most popular girl band The Saturdays is used to success, had some solo success of her own as she collected the It’s ME! Award for most inspirational dyslexic celebrity at national educational charity Dyslexia Action’s Annual Awards dinner at The Savoy Hotel on Thursday.

Mollie who is the 2nd time winner of the publicly nominated award was presented her honour by famous broadcaster and presenter Gabby Logan. Mollie commented “I’ve got my Mum and Dad with me tonight which is great, considering how much they’ve helped me I thought they deserved a night out! I am so proud of this award and I really hope that anyone out there with dyslexia knows they are not stupid, can access the help and support they need and has the confidence to take on as many opportunities as possible. This means a great deal and thank you so much to all of you who voted!”

Mollie was in good company at the event which drew support from many familiar faces and respected professionals in education and the field of dyslexia.  She was also able to share the experience with Young Persons Award winner Angelina Bateman (16) from Chelmsford, who was nominated by her Dyslexia Action teacher for her hard work and dedication to her specialist classes. Angelina receives subsidised tuition from a specialist Dyslexia Action teacher through the organisations Learning Fund.

Last night’s event aimed to raise more awareness and crucial funds to ensure that more people like Angelina have access to this support and do not miss the opportunities they deserve due to dyslexia or dyslexia related issues. Also at the event were adventurer and Dyslexia Action President Charley Boorman, rugby legend Kenny Logan who also chaired the event and racing driver Damon Hill.

Mollie ends “Angelina is such a lovely, intelligent girl and so inspirational! I am so happy that she was able to get support from Dyslexia Action and this work is why I am here tonight!”

Source: Dyslexia Action

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Mollie and Vanessa attend Supertrash Launch

Last night Mollie and Vanessa attended the London launch of the Supertrash brand.

The text is from the source, DailyMail.

She’s the only single member of The Saturdays, but Mollie King certainly isn’t going to be left alone to party.

The fashion-loving blonde hooked up with her bandmate Vanessa White for a girls’ night out at the launch of the new Supertrash flagship store in London on Wednesday night.

Despite being recently reunited with boyfriend Gary Salter after months with the girl group in Los Angeles, Vanessa was happy to leave his side for a night out with her girl.

While Mollie showed off her tiny waist in a clingy pink and grey knitted dress, Vanessa stood out from the crowd in a flamboyant, multi-coloured peacock-blouse and black skirt.

Ahead of their night out, Vanessa joked she would be ‘corrupting’ her bandmate.

She tweeted: ‘I bet @MollieTheSats is so excited to see me today. #corruptingherlife x.’

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US Rejoices as the girls return!

TeamSats US rejoice as the girls leave the UK and land back in the USA! I’ve added a few pictures from the media below, you can read the usual (boring) reporting from the Daily Mail at the source

Hopefully with the girls landing back in the US – and they are going to be there for a least another 4-5 weeks! We will hear more about the new album, how the recording is going and hopefully a bit more about the new single ‘What About Us’

US Rejoices as the girls return! Read More »

The girls take on LA!

Our girls at MTV VMAs 2012

Last night @TheSaturdays took on America, well they started at least! The girls hit the MTV VMAs then performed at Perez Hilton’s after-show party. As of time of writing this the details are a little sketchy as the party is still on-going as LA is a easy 8 hours behind the UK .. but the girls have been on stage and performed! As news filters though I will update the news post accordingly.

Remember if you live in the US and feel you can help the site out a bit, read the news article below and apply. Thanks to those who have send in requests already we will take a look at everyone at the start of next week so those who might visit us over the weekend have an opportunity to apply too 🙂

Picture Credit: Garrett Sander (via Facebook)


Here’s a video of the girls talking on the red carpet about Prince Harry ….

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Mollie takes It’s Me Choice Award 2012!




@MollieTheSats has done it again – thanks to you! Mollie has been crowned the It’s Me Choice Award winner for 2012! Huge thanks to everyone who voted for Mollie as an inspirational dyslexic. Full statement from Dyslexia Action is below:

Over the past month, we asked you to let us know who in the public eye with dyslexia inspires you the most and we are pleased to
let you know that the nominations are in and counted.

We can now confirm that the celebrity with the most nominations for the second year running is Mollie King, one fifth of super girl group, The Saturdays. Mollie speaks openly about being dyslexic and the challenges this presents and has given so many others the confidence to believe that their goals are achievable.

The It’s Me! Award is the only award presented at the annual Dyslexia Action Awards Dinner that is chosen by public nomination and we have had an overwhelming response this year with almost nine thousand nominations!

To showcase the fantastic nominees, we have created a pinterest board from the Wikipedia pages of those nominated. There are so many people who have not let dyslexia hold them back from achieving their dreams, we hope that you find this board as inspiring and motivating as we do!

The Dyslexia Action Awards Dinner raises money to enable us to take action to help more children, young people and adults with dyslexia and literacy difficulties. If you would like to attend or to find out more about the event, please contact Lucy McNally. Individual tickets are £275 and table packages start from £2750.

Source: Dyslexia Action

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Una’s Birthday Book 2012

Always happy to help promote the birthday books, the success of our own help with Mollie’s 2012 book – as you know – was a huge success and you can still submit your pages for the Vanessa 2012 Birthday Book, all details can be found in our previous post here – deadline for that is 1st September.

Now here are the details for Una’s birthday book for 2012!

Deadline for this is 31st August, and all entires should be submitted to [email protected] with ‘ Birthday Book’ in the subjectline.

Our good friend Claire (@claireyelectric) is in charge of the book again and these are the details that you need to know!

Send want you all to send in Birthday messages, letters, poems, graphics, drawings, Quotes and pictures of you and Una. If you don’t have a picture with Una, then send in your favourite picture or two of Una to go on the page with your letter!

I want everyone to have their own A4 size page, or more even if you have more than an A4 pages worth, or if you don’t have much to send in then that’s ok too, you’ll still get in there, on a half a page or something 🙂

I have gave Una her past three Birthday books in september, So i may Get this book to her this year before her birthday too thats why i want to get everything done early to make it the best i can.

You can send in anything at all for the book and send everything to – [email protected]with ‘ Birthday Book’ in the subjectline.

If you want any more info tweet me on my personal account @claireyelectric, as I’m on there most of the time so will prob reply faster!

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Vanessa Birthday Book 2012

As you know we had a huge success with Mollie’s official 2012 birthday book which ended up with ourselves – @thesatscouk, @marvelousmollie and @claireteamsats presenting the book to Mollie in person at Birmingham Pride. We are therefore more than delighted to help spread the word about Vanessa’s birthday book and everyone involved with that. Excited? Well of course you are so here is how you can get involved!! This is a huge project being undertaken and there are many ways for you to be involved, so please read it carefully and if you have any questions please direct them to the wonderful people involved with this project as they are better placed to answer them then we are!

EVERYTHING SHOULD BE SENT TO [email protected]. The deadline is September 1st.

As usual, we’re looking for as many messages from fans as possible. Messages, poems, graphics, pictures are all welcome.  I’m hoping to hand make a lot of this book in order for it to be even more personalised and unique, so each page will be totally different from the last.
Due to this, I’m hoping to hand write a lot of your messages (in various fonts.. ;P) and print out any pictures/graphics etc you may send with it and stick them on your page also.  If, however, you wish for your page to all be typed, or you want to incorporate your message into a graphic or such, then that’s fine also, just make sure to let us know when you email it. 🙂

Any drawings you may have done over the years of Vanessa are welcome to make up the fan drawings section.  (Send these in with DRAWINGS as the subject in the email.)

Send in your favourite tour pictures from any 3 of the tours! We want your funny, cute and gorgeous ones! (Send these in with TOUR PHOTOS as the subject in the email).

Vanessa’s tweets which made you laugh (if you have any screencaps, they’d be fab!). They can be just her random tweets, her twapes, or anything else that made you smile/laugh.  (Send these in with TWEETS as the subject in the email.)

Your favourite Vanessa quotes, they can be from flips or 24/7 or What Goes On Tour or anything else you can think of.  (Send these in with QUOTES as the subject of the email.)

On one of the pages we want to write “Happy Birthday Vanessa!” out of letters on the beach. This could be made out of pebbles/shells, or drawn in the sand.

However, if you currently have a letter but realise at any point that you won’t be able to get to a beach after all, please let us know so someone else can have your letter!

For those with a letter:
All letters should be capitalised. When you’re done, take a photo (with JUST the letter in the picture) and send it in with ‘THE BEACH PROJECT’ as the subject in the email.

These are the type of things we’re looking for:
One Heather did today out of pebbles. http://twitpic.com/a64bkr
One Cat created in Cyprus a while ago: http://twitpic.com/9a9hrw

We’re going to do a ‘MEET TEAM SATS’ section. Its basically going to be able to put faces to names…

What you need to do is email us a picture of yourself (not necessarily sats related but you’re obviously welcome to anything you want- a pic that you like) and with your picture send in a brief paragraph making sure you include all of this information

Then we’ll put it all into a factfile type thing and it will just help Vanessa get to know you abit more- she’ll know who the people who are supporting her are 🙂

At some point, i’ll be making an example page so if you’re a bit confused or unsure of the idea, dont hesitate to ask for the example on here or on my personal @hannanar 🙂  Send with ‘MEET TEAM SATS’ as the subject title for the email.
Okay, this one is fairly simple but we want as many of you as possible to get involved, it doesn’t take too much effort!
Basically, if you have a dog, we want you to take a picture of him/her with a sign that simply says ‘Happy Birthday Vanessa!’

We’re going to create a little Team Sats’ dogs page because we all know Ness loves her dogs! So this is a kind of example to what we want to see, but obviously with a sign that says ‘Happy Birthday Vanessa’ instead. 🙂 Email all of your doggy pictures (along with your twitter name) with the subject ‘Team Sats’ Dogs’ in the email.

We want to make a small collage of words that make up certain song lyrics that describe Vanessa. Previously some of you may have been involved with various lyric videos for The Sats, where you hold a sign with a word on it. This is, in effect, what we’re trying to create here, but even better. We want you to actually find the words while you’re out and about. Whether it be on big bus stop posters, shop adverts, on a card in a card shop, or even on various packets.

We want this project to be fun for YOU too, and maybe a little bit challenging!

The lyrics we want to try make out are:

“Vanessa, our love for you is stronger than love itself.”

“You drain us of sadness, and fill us back up with love.”

“You’re like this beat yes, crazy and infectious.”

These are the only words still available:


If you find a word we need WITHIN another word, or the wanted word has ‘ed’/’s’ etc on it, just cover it up with your hands. 😉

WE WANT YOU IN THE PICTURE TOO! It’s no use without you, we could’ve got them off google. 😛 So we want pictures of you at bus stops, in front of adverts etc etc.

We REALLY REALLY hope you get involved with this one. It is quite a demanding project, but it’s one of the more fun ones and most creative.
We just want you all to have a good crack at it, don’t give up before you’ve even tried!
You’ll be surprised with how much fun you could have with this!

There’s only really one other rule to this; NO HAND WRITING/TYPING YOUR WORD. The whole point is to find it.
If you’re really struggling to find a word, you can always grab a newspaper or a book and highlight the word in there and take a picture with it. 🙂

Any pictures of the words you take can be emailed with ‘Out-And-About Words Project’ as the email subject.

So what we want you to do is take a picture of yourself with a sign saying ‘I love you because…’ followed by a reason.
This could be something like ‘You’re piff’ or ‘you inspire me’; anything you want! However, we want these to be as original as possible to avoid any repeats!

But please don’t make it too long as we need to be able to read it on the piece of paper it’s put on!  Make it bold, fancy writing, jazz it up if you want!

This should be quite an easy project that many people can get involved in.

Please email all of your pictures with ‘I LOVE YOU BECAUSE…’ as the email subject title. If you have any questions tweet or DM us on here, or tweet me on my personal @teamnessw for this project.

We really hope you get involved with all/as many as you can of these!
We want to make Vanessa’s birthday book this year the best it can be, and that can’t happen without YOUR input!

If you have any questions AT ALL about any of the above, feel free to tweet/dm us on this account, my personal @catluvsthesats, or @heatherteamness, @hannanar, @teamfranessa, @noorthesats, @teamnessw.

Much love, Team Ness xxx

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Dyslexia Action – It’s Me Choice Awards 2012!

Hey TeamSats its that time of the year again! Remember last year everyone got together and voted Mollie as an inspirational person who has dyslexia, well that time of the year has rolled around again! The organising people have said that previous winners can be nominated again! So you know what that means, it’s time to get voting!

Voting is a little different this year, last year seemed to turn into a spam-a-thon on twitter, so this year it seems you are only able to vote in two ways, you can vote via their website and via their facebook pages

So if you see Mollie as an inspirational dyslexic person then get voting. Remember you can vote more than once, so keep on voting! 🙂

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