david gandy

Mollie: ‘I’d be lying if I said I was ready for the band to end,’

Our very own Mollie appears in this weeks Notion magazine. She chats about life with David Gandy and how he does a lot of the cooking!

She also mentions The Saturdays – remember them – and although its hardly the most negative of news, it doesn’t spin too much positive vibes either …

‘I’d be lying if I said I was ready for the band to end,’ she tells Notion. ‘We’ll get back in the studio at some point. I’d really like us all to do another tour together.’ 

The chart-topper admits though that she’d like to follow in Rochelle’s footsteps and try something different, admitting that she wouldn’t rule out a spot on The X Factor judging panel.

‘I’d love to be one of those panellists on those shows. I have a lot of opinions about everyone who’s out there,’ she points out, adding that she counts current X Factor judge and former girl-bander Cheryl Fernandez-Versini as one of her biggest inspirations. ‘She’s done so well to transition from Girls Aloud, she’s the ultimate glamorous goddess,’ Mollie gushes.

The new issue of Notion is out this week.

Mollie: ‘I’d be lying if I said I was ready for the band to end,’ Read More »

News Roundup: Mollie, David, Alan Carr

Here is a roundup of @thesaturdays mentions over the web.

Firstly is a reminder that the girls are on Alan Carr: Chatty Man tonight. It is only an Interview, there is no performance tonight. Either way the Interview will be here on the site – and in HD – as soon as it finishes airing on Channel4. So if you are out tonight, or can’t catch it drop in here later this evening to view it 🙂

Newsround have posted an review of 30 Days – they give it a score of 4 out of 5! 🙂

David Gandy has spoken about his break up with Mollie King, according to our favourite news source the Daily Mail:

The Dolce & Gabbana pin-up tells the June issue: ‘My perfectionism can make it difficult. I know my ex-girlfriend struggled.

‘Things have to be perfect – everything in the house, every car I buy. That’s incredibly hard to live with if you don’t understand it.’

Although he was disappointed their romance didn’t work out, Gandy admitted he is happy being single.

He explained: ‘I can get on with my own life, my own ‘perfections’, without needing to explain that weirdness to someone else.

‘If either a relationship or my work must suffer, then I’m afraid it has to be the relationship.

‘I’m 32 and more than anything I want to find a girlfriend and have children. I want to be able to say, “I’ve done enough”. Hopefully, one day a girl will come along and I’ll think she’s far superior to my work and let my priorities go.’

Rochelle also has a new tattoo – for her love of Marvin .

Hopefully the girls will start their promo for 30 Days soon .. is it just me or is 30 Days the new Notorious? I mean that in the way they are seemingly putting it out as a ‘we are still here, we just need a bit more time to ready everything ..’ the way Notorious was used to announce the arena tour etc. I’m sure they will come out all guns blazing with single 2 and when Una is back 🙂

News Roundup: Mollie, David, Alan Carr Read More »

Mollie King: ‘Watching my godmother die has changed how I see things’

@MolleTheSats opens up to the Daily Mirror about loosing her godmother to cancer, David, and the girls and NOT moving to India.

She might be just 24, but Mollie King has achieved more than most. The ­star is one-fifth of the UK’s hottest ­girlband The Saturdays and has a string of top 10 hits under her skinny belt.

And as well as her ­professional success, the singer has managed to bag herself a gorgeous man – model boyfriend David Gandy, 31.

But while things might seem perfect on the outside, the past few months have been far from easy for Mollie, whose godmother died from breast cancer in October ­last year.

“It’s been a really difficult time because she was my mum’s best friend and I’ve known her all my life,” ­explains Mollie.

“I was also really close to her children. It is one of those things that was such a horrible experience for the whole family and will change everybody’s lives.

“It’s my biggest fear that someone close to me like my mum or dad should get ill.

“Especially over Christmas when you’re a lot more conscious of your family. This year was really sad in some ways because we missed her and the end of the year is the time for reflection.”

It was her godmother’s illness that inspired Mollie to get involved in Asda’s Tickled Pink charity concert ‘Girls’ Night Out’ this Thursday to raise money for Breast Cancer Care and Breast ­Cancer Campaign with Alexandra Burke.

Asda’s Tickled Pink has so far raised over £25million for ­charities.

“Cancer affects so many people and even if it hasn’t ­affected ­someone in your family then you know someone who has ­had it,” says Mollie.

“I think between us five girls in the band, we all have family and friends who’ve been ­affected. We’re so lucky to be doing what we’re doing, that ­we’d be silly not to try and ­raise money.”

Breast cancer is one of ­the country’s most common diseases, killing 1,000 women every month.

Mollie says: “I think until ­you know somebody very close who it happens to, you think it’s something that will never happen ­to you.

“So when it actually does, you realise no one is invincible. It’s not like it’s even an old person’s disease – my godmother was the same age as my parents, which was scary.”

“My biggest fear in life is losing the people I love and the thing with cancer is that it seems that you can’t really control it.”

Mollie’s ­godmother was first ­diagnosed with breast cancer, but eventually it took over elsewhere in her body.

Seeing her ­godmother taken by ­cancer has made the star, from Richmond, Surrey, more aware of her own health and well-being.

“I am quite conscious of exercise and eating healthily, but sometimes I think getting ­cancer can just be bad luck,” Mollie says.

“All of us in the band like to stay fit and healthy. I have a personal trainer who I work out with. She’s amazing and as well as making sure I do loads of sit-ups and press-ups, she also keeps an eye on what ­I eat.”

Not that the slim star needs to worry about her weight. And if the food she and the girls eat on tour is anything to go by, she’s doing pretty well in terms of her healthy diet.

“We recently reassessed our rider and what we asked for ­backstage,” she says. “We realised we were being quite lame because all we ask for is fruit and nuts!

“Now we’re really rock and roll and ask for things like cold meats. You can see where I’m going with this – really rock and roll like baby wipes and toothbrushes!” she laughs.

“Before we go ­on stage we don’t drink so we aren’t ­ordering in bottles of whisky and things like that.”

And despite the worry of the past few months and the ­tragedy of losing someone so close to her, Mollie insists that she is happy. And with a man like Dolce &Gabbana model David on her arm, who can ­blame her?

Mollie King: ‘Watching my godmother die has changed how I see things’ Read More »

All Fired Up in Nottingham

@thesaturdays hit the road again, this time to Nottingham and the CapitalFM Arena! The girls next tour stop is today as the tour (sadly) hits the final week … all those who are going, have an awesome time!

If the Monday Morning blues are getting you down our favourite(!) newspaper is running a story on how Mollie and David are planning to run off to India to work in hotels … as apparently The Saturdays are under threat from Little Mix … seriously?!

All Fired Up in Nottingham Read More »

Mollie: ‘I had no idea who David Gandy was!’

Bit of a quiet period again, but @molliethesats chats about her relationship with David Gandy


Mollie King has revealed she had no idea who her new boyfriend David Gandy was when she first met him.

The 24-year-old singer admitted she was oblivious to the fact Gandy was a hugely successful Dolce & Gabbana model when they were introduced at a party.

She explained to Company magazine: ‘We met a while ago at a fashion party when a friend introduced us.

‘My first thought was that he seemed a really nice guy. The girls were like, “Do you know who you were talking to, Moll?” ‘

When I first met him I had no idea who he was, which is probably a good thing otherwise I’d have got all starstruck!’

But Mollie admitted she is finding it difficult getting used to the press attention that comes with being in a high-profile celebrity relationship.

She said: ‘It is weird dating in the public eye, especially when it’s so new. When the papers first ran pictures of us I thought, “Oh my goodness is this what it’s going to be like?”

‘I don’t want to have to constantly wear make-up or for him to have to worry about looking after me around hordes of photographers.’

And while Mollie and David have now been dating for a few months, the Up singer says she wasn’t looking for a relationship when they first met.

She said: ‘On our first date we went out for dinner but kept it low-key. I actually wanted to be single for a while, having just come out of a two-year relationship and being heartbroken.

‘I get on with David like a best friend, but it helps that I fancy him too! When he met my friends and family, to them it was just me bringing home my new boyfriend. I told him, if you get in with Mum, you’ll be fine. Luckily, she really liked him!’

But it’s not all partying for the singer and her model beau, as Mollie told Company: ‘It sounds clichéd but we just do normal things, like watch movies or go for breakfast.

‘We don’t sit and talk about work. It’s the same with my friends, who I’ve known since I was seven. We chat about make-up and boys.’

While The Saturdays have now found success in their own right, they originally shot to fame when they supported Girls Aloud on tour.

Talking about the experience, Mollie said: ‘I am a huge fan of Girls Aloud – when we found out we were going on tour with them, I was beside myself.

‘On the first night, Cheryl and Kimberley came to our dressing rooms to wish us luck. I can normally chat for England but I was speechless.’

And just like Cheryl Cole, Mollie is hoping to emulate the success the former girlband star found by appearing on The X Factor judging panel.

She said: ‘We still have so much to do as The Saturdays, so I’m focused on that. But I would love to be involved in a future X Factor panel.’
Source: DailyMail
Full interview is in Company Magazine, which goes on sale tomorrow!

Mollie: ‘I had no idea who David Gandy was!’ Read More »

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