golden globes

Una, Mollie, Globes and more!

Can you keep up with all this news? It’s like story after story! I’m taking a deep breathe and heading in!

Competiton Alert! Check out the link on the right to win a Motel Rocks playsuit as worn by Vanessa and Rochelle! You simply just retweet the tweet we’ve linked to! The more RTs the more chance of winning. Simple as pie!

Firstly the girls performed ‘What About Us’ for the first time on TV last night on Jay Leno. The video will be on the site shortly when I get my HD copy. If you rummage around youtube and the like you will probably find it now, but our copy is coming soon, and hopefully in 1080i HD ๐Ÿ™‚ Keep an eye on our Twitter @TheSatsCoUk for when its ready.

We also have the breaking news this morning that Una is a slob! Una has been speaking to WeLovePop (check out some pictures below)

”Now I’m a mum, when I’m at home I have no make up on, sick everywhere and I dress like a slob – it’s just tracksuit bottoms, hoodies and I wear my hair on top of my head. It’s totally different to when I’m at work and getting glammed up by a team of people.”

Mollie has given five suitcases, no not a typo, suitcases of clothes for the Hurricane Sandy victims. Again talking to WeLovePop, Mollie said:

“Everyone took about three or four cases and I took five. I got a huge fine. I gave everything I didn’t wear to the Hurricane Sandy appeal in New York, which meant I could fill the empty cases with new stuff on my return! Everyone wins!”

I’ve added some pictures below of the girls performing at the Golden Globes party and from WeLovePop magazine, we will no doubt have some HQs in the gallery soon ๐Ÿ™‚

Una, Mollie, Globes and more!

Golden Globes … Frankie B’Day

The Saturdays - Golden Globes 2013

Firstly, Happy Birthday Frankie! From everyone here at The Saturdays Fansite! Who turns 24 today! ๐Ÿ™‚ Have a great day!

Well well well, last night our lovely ladies attended the Golden Globes. For those who aren’t aware it’s start of the award season with ends with the the Oscars! The girls walked down the red carpet and performed at the NBC After party too! Nice gig if you can get it right?

Obviously at time of me posting this (9.40am, UK Time) the Golden Globes are only just winding down so information is still filtering through. I’ll keep updating this news item throughout today, pictures will be added shortly, so keep checking back for the latest ๐Ÿ™‚

Here’s a video of the girls on the red carpet, from E! (who else?)

There is also a video of the girls on Huffington Post but its sadly blocked in the UK so one for our American visitors to view there.

Just to add, I know PopJustice the other day said that the girls new album is called ‘The Chase’ but they also said a lot of it is unconfirmed. Hopefully they can dig up some additional information on it soo!

Golden Globes … Frankie B’Day

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