
Gallery Updates

As promised, I’ve got around to finally adding pictures to the gallery. I’ve added pictures from as recent as yesterday, right back until the early part of the year. Hopefully that will tie you over. You can see the main gallery buy clicking the link at the top, or here, or using the thumbnails on the right. Most of the updates have been added here and here plus there is a throwback to 2008 here, enjoy 🙂

The girls are asking YOU to vote for your favourite all time Saturdays Greatest Hit to form part of a Deluxe Greatest Hits Boxset, which includes the Greatest Hits album, a b-sides album, a DVD of all the girls video and a special song playing lanyard – which the song will appear on – so get voting, you have until Monday!

Also on Monday, the music video for What Are You Waiting For? premieres, but there is a small teaser to tie you over (they will probably release more as the weekend goes on!)

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This and that plus vote Mollie!

To say its a tad quiet (on the news front) is an understatement right now, it’s not unexpected tho. The media are just publishing pictures of the girls as they wander around LA doing their US thing, all the pictures are being added constantly to our gallery and everytime that is updated you can find out from checking the thumbnails to the right or follow us on Twitter @TheSatsCoUk where you will be notified of the updates the second that they happen. The gallery also has an RSS feed you can subscribe to to see the updates etc. Also as I said before I work in a school so August is my summer holidays so I’ve also been taking a break from the site, luckily it has seemingly coincided with the girls going to LA so not much is being missed, unless you like pictures!

The latest rumblings from the media in the UK is all very uneventful and not really news-site-worthy unless you believe that ‘news’ is the girls posting pictures of themselves on twitter/instagram without make-up on!! I know news is slow, seriously, but journalists are being paid to write this stuff!

If you are bored, and dreading going back to school in a few weeks – or if you are in Scotland I believe you might be back this week! – make sure you vote for Mollie in the 2012 It’s Me Choice Awards. She won last year and the voting this year is a little different as you don’t have to spam twitter, you just need to fill in a form on the Dyslexia Action website. Check out our older post here on how to vote. Remember you can vote more than once and you have to do it by 26th August! 

Hopefully the girls US plans will kick into action soon so we have more exciting stuff to report! Until then keep checking out the gallery for the latest pictures of the girls out and about in the USA!

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Gallery Update

Claire has added a ton of pictures to our gallery. Lots of new pictures from the tour and others! You can view our ever expanding gallery here and a quick view of all the latest images can be found here

You must register an account – its free – to view pictures in their full size. If you have any issues with the gallery then drop us a message at [email protected] and we will look into it for you. Please include the username that you registered with so we can see what has gone wrong.

Hope you enjoy the new pictures! 🙂

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Gallery News and Updates

As it’s all going quiet in the world of The Saturdays as the girls have their well earned Christmas break, I thought I’d post a site update.

I thought I’d just update everyone on our gallery situation. We’ve decided to move away from Coppermine which was causing a number of problems in adding pictures to the site, and moved to one which is integrated into WordPress. We aren’t removing the old gallery so you can still view the pictures from that gallery, but all the new pictures are being added to the new one.

You can view both galleries from the link above, the latest pictures that we add are always viewable in the side bar to the right >>

We’ve stopped posting news items when we add gallery items, I did ask what people preferred in the chatbox, but no-one replied. If you like it when I add pictures to post something on the news then leave a comment in this news item 🙂

Talking pictures, I have added over 300 pictures in the last few days, so pop into the gallery and check them out 🙂

Also remember that if you get LOTS of new Saturdays stuff for Christmas, make sure you enter our competition. We are giving away TICKETS to the forthcoming tour, and also a MEET AND GREET package to meet the girls backstage! Don’t miss your chance to win!!! Details are above, just click the graphic 🙂

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Gallery Updates

Right! Time for some gallery news, as you know we loved our gallery – so much so – that we’ve moved to a WordPress setup now. We’re not removing the old gallery and its still accessible but new pictures will now be posted to our new gallery 🙂 I’ve added a bunch of performance pictures from the last couple of weeks for your viewing pleasure, so please enjoy them 🙂

I’ve added pictures from The Jingle Bell Ball in London & Manchester, BRMB 2010 and T4 Stars of 2010 plus some pictures of them arriving at a London Hotel in early December.

We hope the new gallery wlll make it easier for us to add pictures to the site, so more updates should occur 🙂

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Wow, someone has shrunk The Saturdays! [Updated]

The Saturdays take part in more than their fair share of publicity stunts and wacky photo shoots.
So we’re less than shocked by these snaps of The Saturdays posing on a giant pink sofa in London’s Covent Garden.
Frankie Sandford, Mollie King, Una Healy, Vanessa White and Rochelle Wiseman are helping launch T-Mobile’s Big Sofa/Night In, hence the pink couch.
The girls, who all looked as stunning as always in matching Topshop One Shoulder Bandage Dresses, signed autographs for fans before being helped up on to the sofa to strike a few poses next to the humongous cushions.
Aww, don’t they look cute, we feel like we could pick them up and put them in our pockets!

Source: OK Magazine

Update: Gallery now has over 200 pictures from this event, enjoy 🙂 Including over 190 HQ and Untagged Pictures 🙂 Click the thumbnails above to view them.

[viddler id=799b666a&w=545&h=349]

tnx snoop

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