Celebrity Diary by Una!

Una made an diary entry in Evening Herald‘s Celebrity Diary on 29 January.

Here is the article.

Last weekend got off to an exciting start for me, given that my boyfriend Ben Foden’s team were playing against Munster in the Heineken Cup.

He plays for Northampton and as I’m from Thurles, in the heart of Munster, it always makes for a tricky encounter!

It was quite tough for me seeing them compete against each other and one radio station did call me up and asked if I would go on and talk about it. But I didn’t want to upset anyone, so I said no. Of course, I’m 100pc loyal to my province and I’m very proud of where I’m from, but I’m also very in love and of course you want to see your boyfriend do well. I’m happy enough to sit on the fence and cheer on both teams.

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