Author name: Issy

HI everyone! Welcome to the first fansite of your favourite girlband, The Saturdays! I'm Issy, I'm 19 years old, born on April 28, and I'm from Holland. I've been a fan for quite a while now. My favourite song is Ego, and my favourite saturday is Vanessa. But ofcourse I also like the other girls! I post news and update our gallery on tuesday and friday. I don't work on the video's, cause I simply don't know anything about that. I absolutely love working on this website along with my dear friends Matt and Marit. Thanks for visiting our website and make sure you keep visiting us! Spread the word! TEAM SATS!

[Updated] BRMB 2010

The girls appeared at BRMB 2010 this weekend, watch a video with an interview and a bit of the performance below 🙂

[viddler id=80b35bec&w=545&h=478]

I found 2 more videos, one is a tiny video of the girls backstage before their interview:
[viddler id=2e4e9def&w=545&h=451]

And the other is a short video of their performance, apparently Frankie pulls a face if they are saying ”a song for everyone in a relationship” – does this confirm…? Anyway, watch below:
[viddler id=2fb8bcad&w=545&h=451]

[Updated] BRMB 2010 Read More »

[Updated] Small gallery update

3 albums are added to the gallery, sadly the gallery doesn’t let me copy the thumbnails so I’m gonna have to do it this way!

3 images of Rochelle out in London

2 images of T4 stars of 2010  (HQ’s are being added soon)

1 image of Rochelle in Strictly Come Dancing (More images are coming soon)

I got a few more albums that I have to upload. But I don’t think I will be able to upload them anytime soon! I’ll try my best


32 new HQ images added to the T4 stars of 2010 album!

[Updated] Small gallery update Read More »

Gallery issues

Oh how much I love that gallery.

It deleted a lot of pictures. It seems like it has an Issyallergy. I managed to get almost everything back. But you’ll probably see quite a lot of errors in some of the folders. (Example: Vanessa’s 21st birthday party has gone from 127 to 15)

I’m gonna be adding all the pictures back this week, along with all the recent twitterpictures of the girls!

Sorry for the errors!

(See, that’s how much I need a new helper! Hint hint!)

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Help with the Gallery

Hello lovely fans!

As you all know I work on our gallery for almost a year now. Cause of some personal reasons I don’t have much time and energy to do it all by myself. I discussed this with Matt, and we both agreed that it would be nice if someone is gonna help me out with the gallery. That means, more pictures, more updates, more happy fans!


– You have to have a bit of experience with working on a website. (We work with WordPress, Coppermine and our pictures are all saved in the FTP.) If thats not the case, you have to be a very quick learner. Don’t worry I will explain everything you need to know!
– You need to know how to deal with negative feedback. (Not getting angry If I’m telling you you did something wrong) And be able to change your mistakes.
– You gotta know English grammar. It’s not gotta be 100% perfect, mine isn’t either. But because this website is being visited worldwide, the fans gotta be able to understand you.
– If you pick things up with the gallery quickly and we trust you enough, you will get your own acount on the site, to make your own posts. (Not news related, only gallery related!)

– You gotta be motivated and quick. If pictures appear on the internet, I post them the same day, or the day after that.

– I need to be able to trust you. Ofcourse you can go on holidays, and you don’t have to be around everyday, but disappearing for weeks without mentioning you’re away is not gonna be accepted.

I know I may sound a bit strict, but we really want the best for this site 🙂

If you’re interested in helping me out, you can send an e-mail to: [email protected]
Please make sure you name your e-mail: “Issy Gallery“, incase I’m accidently looking over your post. I will e-mail you back as soon as possible.

I’m only gonna pick one person, so if you’re really interested in helping out, make sure your e-mail stands out from the other ones! Tell me something about yourself, your age, country, and how many days a week you’re available to work with the gallery.

I hope I can find someone who wants to help me out!

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[Edited] Picture Updates

I’ve added 3 albums to the gallery

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6 MQ images of the performance at Trafalgar Square yesterday. (There will probably appear more images of yesterdays performance on the internet, if so I will add them as soon as possible.)

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6 MQ images of Mollie and Rochelle at the Elton John Aids foundation ball – October 30

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9 MQ images of the girls leaving the China White nightclub – November 6


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19 more images of the girls performing at Trafalgar Square

[Edited] Picture Updates Read More »

[Edited] Rochelle Wiseman ‘splits’ from JLS singer Marvin Humes

Dailymail posted an article about Rochelle and Marvin. According to the article, the couple has split up. It’s not always the greatest source, but as it says in the article, they have both unfortunately confirmed it on their Twitter as well. You can read Rochelle’s Tweet below.


You can discuss your feelings and thoughts about this in our forum on this page

As I said, the breakup has been confirmed by Rochelle herself.

She tweeted:

RochelleTheSats: Hey guys thanks for messages! It’s all a bit odd to share a break up! We have split but, we are still very much friends! You guys are lovely

We are wishing Rochelle all the best!

You can read about Marvin’s thoughts and the reasons for their break up on the MTV Site!

[Edited] Rochelle Wiseman ‘splits’ from JLS singer Marvin Humes Read More »

Private forum

Hello lovely Satsfans!

Our forum just became private. So if you’re not a registered member, you won’t be able to see the forumposts.
Feel free to register, make your own avatar and signature and join the conversation!

You can post news, pictures, youtube-videos, questions, actually everything that includes The Saturdays (as long as you post the original source), or just reply on other members posts!

I posted something about this around 6 months ago, and I think that post raised 1 member to the forum (weehay!) But by making the forum private, we hope to get a few more members to get the forum active again.

When you have posted 75 times, you can get access to the mediapage.

I really hope some of you will register (not only to see the post) and share your opinion with us about anything thats related to the girls or our website!

Don’t be shy 😀


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