
What About Us with Sean Paul

Tonight the girls appeared on Alan Carr ‘Chatty Man’ and performed ‘What About Us’ WITH Sean Paul, catch this performance, and the interview with the girls below:
Remember ‘What About Us’ is OUT NOW in the UK so use the links on the right to get buying! The song is also out in the USA, Canada and in several European countries. Releasing in Germany (soon) as well as Australia (and elsewhere) as the girls go for global domination!

Performance – What About Us (with Sean Paul)


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The Saturdays hit Daybreak & Lorraine

This morning our girls are on Daybreak and Lorraine to promote the new single ‘What About Us’. The majority of the videos will be on the site at around lunchtime. But a few clips of the girls have been on early so I’ve managed to sneak them on before work, just for you 🙂 REMEMBER to please buy ‘What About Us’ on iTunes or Amazon, links are on the right of the site. If you pre-ordered the EP, why not pick up the remixes EP? Or pop over to Amazon and buy the song again for just 89p!

As always the videos are in HD, and as normal if you want to use these videos on your site/blog/tumblr etc. Then please use the many variety of embed codes and everything on Vimeo. Plus please link back to us at 🙂

Performance – What About Us

Daybreak – Interview

Lorraine – Interview

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Sunday Bunch – 17th March 2013

Today @TheSaturdays appeared on Sunday Brunch to promote their new single ‘What About Us’ which is already NUMBER ONE on iTunes, so please head over and buy a copy (see the post below for all the details), if you want chart updates thoughout the week keep an eye on our twitter account @TheSatsCoUk. Also if you have bought the What About Us – EP on iTunes make sure you find another £1.99 and pick up the remixes too (every sale helps!) then pop over to Amazon MP3 and download the song for just 89p (We need it higher on Amazon, it’s currently number 41 ..)

We missed the opening of the show, sorry! Hopefully we can get it off the TiVo at some point. Also the start of the main interview is missing (a little technical glitch) but we’ve done the best we can. This show is difficult to edit as its pretty fragmented. As always the videos are in HD, as normal if you want to use these videos on your site/blog/tumblr etc. Please use the many variety of embed codes and everything on Vimeo. Plus please link back to us at 🙂

Here are some videos from today’s show:

Mollie & Frankie Cook

Vanessa becomes a baconologist

Main Interview

Una does some Irish Dancing & tries some Irish drinks

Rochelle and Una cook pudding.

Sunday Bunch – 17th March 2013 Read More »

Chelsea Lately – Interview

Last night our girls appeared on American TV for their first ever TV Interview, this took place on the E! show Chelsea Lately, you can now watch this interview below:

Our usual video sharing rules apply. If you want to link directly to this news item then use this link and if you want to embed the video on your site/blog/tumblr etc then Vimeo have a raft of options on their site, and pretty please just give a link back to us 🙂

Please let us know what you thought of it via Twitter and Facebook

Chelsea Lately – Interview Read More »

Debut Performance: 30 Days

We’ve had to wait a bit for this, but here is the FIRST performance of 30 Days, as performed on This Morning!

Dance girls .. dance .. please … 😉

As always you are free to use our videos on your website/blog/tumblr etc. Just please use our embed code and drop us a link back We cannot stop people downloading and uploading videos to all manners or websites, but if you are a visitor here and downloaded it and have that urge to upload it to youtube (or somewhere) just please put a link back to here in the description. I don’t really want to start putting tags on the videos again 🙁

30 Days is OUT NOW! Buy from iTunes and the REMIXES via iTunes remember that the EP counts was 1 SALE, if you buy the remixes INDIVIDUALLY they will count as a sale EACH so if you bought all 4 that would be 4 sales for 30 Days (although it will cost you £1.98 or so more) so do what you feel is best for you 🙂 


In The Hub

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