
The Saturdays on Monday

Hey all! It’s another Monday already, where are the days going too? Anyway I hope you all had a lovely weekend!

I would like to report lots of new and exciting news, but sadly there isn’t much to report. Apparently Mollie is ‘off the market’ now – sorry boys and girls. No news how true (or untrue) the reports are as both camps are being very quiet, but either way that takes long-distance relationships to new levels!

Juliane has kindly e-mailed in more links from the girls recent trip to Germany, you can catch them over at PressePortal and E-Online (Germany) which is a perfect opportunity to use that GCSE you did in German – or if like me you did French, you might struggle to read it!

We will obviously do our best to keep everyone outside the UK up to date with what is going on in your country but its difficult for us to get links from non-english speaking countries. If your country has a Saturdays article we will post it, just e-mail it to us at [email protected] or tweet us @TheSatsCoUk and we will post it šŸ™‚

In the UK, ‘What About Us’ drops to number 13 on its fifth week in the charts. This is possibly their strongest single to date in the UK spending 5 weeks in the Top 20 which is awesome, hopefully their next single will do the same, but there are rumours abound that we might be in for a little wait for this – probably due to the fact that Rochelle will be given birth shortly, only a minor inconvience šŸ˜‰

Stay safe everyone and have a good Monday! šŸ™‚

The Saturdays on Monday

Mollie dating cricket star?

I know this isn’t really the type of news we usually post but as its pretty quiet right now as everyone is gearing up for the second wedding and the US trip I’ll post it up anyway, take of this what you will!

Mollie King is reportedly dating England cricketer Stuart Broad after getting close on twitter.
The Saturdays singer is set to go on a romantic date with the hunky sportsman after weeks of flirting on social networking site Twitter.

A friend of Stuart told the Daily Star: “Mollie and Stuart have been following each other on twitter for a while.

“They’ve been chatting in private on twitter and have really hit it off.

“Stuart has told close friends he plans to take Mollie out for dinner this Saturday.”

The 26-year-old cricketer is currently in London playing South Africa at The Oval stadium, and wants to make the most of being near to blonde beauty Mollie.

The friend added:”He doesn’t have any strict England curfews. He will be free on Saturday night to go out for a posh dinner with Mollie and enjoy a few drinks.”

Mollie, 25, has been linked to Prince Harry since splitting with male model David Gandy in February, but insists the pair are just friends.

Stuart could be just her type since the ‘Higher’ singer has recently joked about liking men in uniform.

She said: “I’m single. The girls are going to set me up on dates – I hope! Bring me a nice sailor and I’m there!”

Source: 4Music

Mollie dating cricket star?

Mollie and Prince Harry?

Seems @MollieTheSats has fallen for Royality … or at least the Daily Mail (and others) are implying ..

She was left heartbroken when she split from Dolce & Gabbana model David Gandy two months ago.

But it seems Mollie King has wasted no time finding herself a new man – in the form of Prince Harry.

The prince is said to be ‘completely smitten’ with pretty blonde Saturdays singer Mollie, who he has been friends with for the past two years.

The pair have apparently been spotted flirting and partying in various London nightclubs over the past few weeks.

But, according to friends of the couple, the pair have been attempting to keep their blossoming romance under wraps.

A source told the Daily Express: ‘Itā€™s very early days for them but theyā€™re head over heels.’

The news of Harry and Mollie’s romance comes after they were spotted at London’s Bunga Bunga club last week, enjoying a karaoke session with friends until 3am before heading home separately.

The pair first met back in July 2010, at the Asprey World Class Cup at Surrey’s Hurtwood Polo Club, when Mollie cheered on Harry on the polo field from the stands, before later being introduced to the royal.

In February, Mollie, who bears more than a passing resemblance to Harry’s ex Chelsy Davy, and Gandy ended their relationship with the male model saying it just ‘wasn’t the right time’ for them.

He said at the time: ‘I have been over in the States three times this month and a relationship can’t take that.

‘Mollie is an incredibly beautiful, lovely girl and so grounded. But it just didn’t work out.’

Meanwhile, Prince Harry gave an interview on U.S. television last month in which he bemoaned how difficult it was for him to find love.

Asked if being royal lived up to its image, Harry replied: ‘No, not at all, ha ha – as any girl would ever tell you. Itā€™s sort of, “Oh my God, heā€™s a prince.” But no. The job that it entails – I mean look at me, Iā€™m 27 years old.’

On his chances of marriage, he added: ‘I’m not so much searching for someone to fulfill the role, but obviously, you know, finding someone that would be willing to take it on.ā€™

Harryā€™s only long-term relationship was with Chelsy Davy, 26, and finished in 2009.

MailOnline is awaiting comment from Mollie’s spokesperson on the reported relationship. A spokesperson for Prince Harry said they would not comment on speculation surrounding his private life.

Source: DailyMail

Mollie and Prince Harry?

Are The Wantedā€™s Max And The Saturdayā€™s Vanessa White Dating?

We’ve made no secret of our new man crush on the undeniably hot Max from The Wanted, but we’re not the only wons who have witnessed the fitness…

Vanessa White of The Saturday’s has also noticed that Max is pretty easy on the eye and it has been reported that ā€œlove is blossomingā€ between the pair. Hmph.

According to theĀ Sun, Vanessa and Max grew close after the boys supported The Saturdays on their tour in July.

But it has also been rumoured that Leona Lewis is keen on Max so does Vanessa have competition?!

If you were Max, who would you date? Vanessa or Leona?

Source: Entertainmentwise

Are The Wantedā€™s Max And The Saturdayā€™s Vanessa White Dating? Read More Ā»

Frankie is NOT dating Aston.

Frankie Sandford and Mollie KingDonā€™t worry boys, Saturdays star Frankie Sandford is still young, free and single!

I got to the bottom of rumors that the sexy singer has been shacked up with JLS wee-man Aston Merrygold (pictured top right) by asking the lady herself to spell out the truth.

Not only did she say reports of her ā€œunionā€ with hunky Aston are a load of cobblers, she also told me of her sadness following her split with McFly dish Dougie Poynter (right).

Frankie told me at the Lee Jeans launch party this week: ā€œItā€™s inevitable that Aston and me do get pictured together because Rochelle is dating Marvin from JLS.

ā€œItā€™s already Ā­happened with all this stuff about us dating ā€“ itā€™s false. Itā€™s crap. And the stuff about me and Calum Best was crap too.

ā€œCalum literally sent me a Tweet and thatā€™s where that story came from.

ā€œHeā€™s a nice guy but Iā€™m not going there… Iā€™m not stupid! Iā€™m just friends with Aston ā€“ heā€™s a nice guy. It can be really annoying if youā€™re falsely linked to other people.ā€

Frankie was clearly in the mood to talk and she admitted that sheā€™s yet to get over McFly boy Dougie Poynter after their split last month.

ā€œI didnā€™t think anyone would care about Dougie and I splitting up,ā€ she revealed. ā€œI was so surprised by the reaction to it. We are staying good friends.

ā€œI know thatā€™s what everyone says but I donā€™t bulls**t. We need time apart and thatā€™s what weā€™re doing now. I needed to get away from everything so thatā€™s why I took myself off Twitter and had a holiday.

ā€œItā€™s hard enough splitting up with someone but when youā€™re in the public eye itā€™s so much harder. I had no idea and Iā€™m learning about it. If you split up with your boyfriend, you wouldnā€™t then see him Ā­pictured out with other girls in the paper.

ā€œHeā€™s going to start dating other girls, and Iā€™m fine with it, but I donā€™t want to see it and learn about it in the papers. Itā€™s going to be hard.ā€

Frankie, currently in the studio with the rest of the Saturdays recording new material for a repackaged summer version of their album Wordshaker, sounds desperado for a relationship of some kind.

She told me: ā€œI havenā€™t been out on any dates since we split.

ā€œBut I really want to be taken out on a date! Iā€™m not good at the whole dating scene and I just want a boyfriend. But I donā€™t go out on a date for the sake of it.

ā€œFirst I need there to be a spark and hint that it might turn into a relationship.ā€

By: Dean Piper

Frankie is NOT dating Aston.

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