Frankie Sandford

It’s Little Saturdays plus Frankie’s Hen (again)

Seems Frankie just can’t get enough of having Hen do’s as she celebrated her SECOND on this weekend – without Una (whom is recovering from a bout of Tonsillitis)

It seems the girls where also mistaken for Little Mix at the Wireless Festival. A lot to do about nothing, the general public just see them both as girl groups anyway!

I’m doing a lot of behind-the-scenes work on the site, I’m hoping to get something ready soon – which explains why sometimes the site looks a bit weird – I am hoping to get it ready sooner rather than later, but if you do pop over and everything looks odd, don’t panic, all will return to normal soon!

Whilst you are waiting, I mean What Are You Waiting For? – give the video another view on youtube! Still not reached 500,000 yet! 

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News Round up – 30th April 2014

Happy Hump Day!

I will start by mentioning Mollie’s Birthday Book again, if you want to help out with that all the information can be found here but the main cause for me and the site is the huge generosity that TeamSats have already done in raising money for Dyslexia Action. We are currently at £337, and would love to start May off by reaching £350!! It’s only £13 away, so if you can please reach into your new pay and donate a pound – seriously every little helps. We spoke to the charity just over a week ago and they are so supportive and are amazed by the support so far, so if you can help please do so! 100% of the money raised goes to the Charity, every last penny, so please donate 🙂 All the information you need to donate is on the official JustGiving Page!

In other news, Frankie went to the gym (I know right!) and the Daily Mail got rather excited over her Parker iPhone case (see pictures below!) The Daily Mail also like Mollie’s hat plus Rochelle’s recent attire at Sweat.


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Happy Birthday To Us!

In an amazing turn of events, today sees The Saturdays Fansite reach it’s 6th birthday.

As those of you who have been here since Day 1, I generally write a long, drawn out message but this year I’m going to keep it quick and simple.

Never once would I have thought that this site would still be going six years later, it is a pretty amazing achievement, so thank to everyone who has helped over the years.

Secondly huge and personal thanks from me, to each of the five members of The Saturdays, thanks for your kind words over the years and the support that you have shown the site. Also thanks to the girls management and their record label who have also been very kind and supportive over the years.

And last, but never least, major thanks to you, the visitors, who keep coming to the site and seeing what stuff I decide to post on a daily (or so) basis.

I ended last year’s message by saying:

Thank you one and all! Lets hope Year 6 produces the new album, a new tour and everything we can wish for, the same way Year 5 ended with the girls first UK Number One single!

Sadly it seems the number one single isn’t forthcoming, but the tour certainly is!

Here we roll into Year 7 … which is scary and exciting at the same time. Thanks to you all from the deepest part of my heart!

Matt 🙂 x

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Starstruck up in the air

It’s back to our second favourite day of the week – Friday! Nearly the weekend, and maybe some nice news in the mailer .. or maybe not? Either way I would love to bring you all the news you’ve been waiting for be it the tour, or the premiere of ‘Bigger’ which still hasn’t happened (yet, wasn’t it supposed to be this week?), or promo news or anything – it’s just a little quiet, maybe the quiet before the storm?

Either why Frankie has been out and about enjoying the sunny weather with Parker yesterday, the dailymail kindly take to saying that she is ‘overdressed’ – I mean seriously, its sunny here this morning but it was also 4c in the shade, I’m not getting the shorts out thank you DM!

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Frankie and Photoshoots

It’s Monday, oh how we love a start of a new working week!

Firstly we start with the news from twitter this morning that the girls are having yet another photo shoot, for a yet unknown project. We are all assuming that the photo shoot several weeks ago was for the tour, which we’re expecting an announcement for within the next 4 weeks or so, but what can today’s shoot be for? Answers on the virtual postcards please. Could be another tour related shoot, could be an album photo shoot (the girls have been recording – again) could be a nice magazine shoot for a some nice Not Giving Up promo.

If yesterday was a Mollie day, today is a Frankie day as she had a well deserved night out on Saturday night at Kelly Brook’s bar Steam & Rye and the Chakana club.

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YoungMinds Vs

Our very on Frankie is supporting the new campaign from YoungMinds. The YoungMinds Vs is hoping to highlight the growing problem of young people and issues with mental health.

Pop singer Frankie Sandford of girl group The Saturdays is pledging her support to YoungMinds Vs campaign, which is urging a mass movement of change in children and young people’s mental health.

Frankie is supporting YoungMinds biggest campaign to date which is led by young people and calling for change on the issues that young people said were of most importance to them.

Following a consultation with 3,500 young people about the issues that worried them  YoungMinds Vs will be campaigning on their top 5 concerns; bullying, sexual pressures, school stress, unemployment and lack of access to help.

Frankie Sandford said: “I get to talk to a lot of young people and I know there are so many who are really suffering and struggling with life.

“That’s why I really support the YoungMinds Vs campaign because it’s raising awareness of the importance of young people having good mental health and everything that can be done to make that happen, including young people getting access to help when they need it.

“I also think it’s great that the campaign is being led by young people – it’s all about their experiences and their voices are at the heart of it. That’s why this campaign is different from others and that’s why I support it,” she added.

Leader of the opposition Ed Miliband has also pledged to support YoungMinds Vs: “I’m delighted to help launch this important campaign.

“YoungMinds’ survey exposes some of the pressures children are under in Britain today, from bullying and sexualisation to worries about job prospects. And when they feel depressed, too many young people are afraid to speak out or find a lack of support when they do.

“Good mental health is essential for children to thrive and succeed. That’s why we must ensure all young people have access to the help and support they need, when they need it.

“Mental health is the biggest unaddressed health challenge of our age, and young people’s mental health must be a top priority for Britain,” he added.

The minister responsible for youth policy Nick Hurd is attending the launch of YoungMinds Vs which is also being backed by Paralympian Clare Harvey and Britain’s Got Talent finalist McNasty.

YoungMinds Vs campaign is funded by The Big Lottery Fund’s ‘Reaching Communities’ programme and Comic Relief.

For more information about the campaign, its aims and objectives and how you can get involved visit .

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Top Of The Pops and Frankie!

The Saturdays are an English-Irish girl group based in London, England.  Una Healy, Rochelle Humes, Mollie King, Frankie Sandford and Vanessa NBC in NYC

Hey all! The Saturdays are confirmed to be performing on this years annual Christmas Top Of The Pops – the show is 2 hours long this year – and airs at 2pm on BBC1 on Christmas Day. So tune in to catch the girls performing ‘What About Us’ (I’d imagine) whilst you eat some Christmas dinner! Yes this performance WILL include Frankie … welcome back Frankie!

Mollie King of The Saturdays said: “It’s such a legendary show and we watch it every year with our loved ones while celebrating the holidays.”

Her bandmate Frankie Sandford said: “I personally couldn’t be more excited to be back with the other girls for this special performance.”

Talking Frankie, last night she followed us on Twitter, that now means that all five girls are following the site on twitter – which is an honour – so if you have twitter why not follow us too @TheSatsCoUk 🙂 So thank you to Frankie, and the rest of the girls for your support over the years.

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