
The Gallery

Hello Sats fans! 🙂 I hope you’re all enjoying the daily updates.

About the gallery.. sometimes the tumbnails show as an error that makes them look like you can’t open them, but all you gotta do is click on that tumbnail and the folder will appear! If they don’t.. please leave a message in the chat with the name of the folder! Thanks!

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gallery problem

In some way, the gallery desided to remove all the work I did with the pictures.. I’m trying to get everything back as soon as possible. I’m very sorry! Could you please leave a comment to this post if you CAN see the pictures? Thank you! Again, I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened. I’m doing whatever I can to get it back.

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The members from the gallery weren’t able to make the pictures show fullsize for a few weeks. But admin Matt fixed that problem, so now the visitors who are a member in the gallery can all see the pictures fullsize again. 🙂

If you’re not a member in the gallery and would like to see the pictures fullsize. You can click HERE to register!

When you’re a gallerymember, you can also comment on the pictures and rate them!

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The gallery

You all know I’m very busy with the gallery.

I’m gonna write down for you what I already did, and what still needs to be done.


– Magazine scans
– Photoshoots
– Tours
– CD Artwork
– Backstage/Random pictures
– Twitter

Im currently working on:

– Candids
– Appearances
– Musicvideo’s (Screencaps)

and the new Album I added to the gallery called: Screencaptures of TV Shows.
I’m gonna add screencaps from The Door, from Popstars to Operastars and other TVshows and interviews the girls appeared in. But the screencaps from performances in TVshows (like from Popstars to Operastars) are going to be in the category Performances, because there are already a lot of live performances in there and it takes even more work to sort them all out.

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New pictures, new folder.

Frankie and Dougie were on a vacation in Disneyland last month. You can check some of the pictures they made here.

There’s also a new photoshoot of Joe Plimmer, I added 6 MQ pictures here.

I also made a new folder called Twitter. There you can find all the pictures the girls posted on their twitteraccounts. Click here to check out the new folder. Enjoy!

Keep checking the gallery out cause I’m still uploading alot of old pictures to it.

New pictures, new folder. Read More »

Gallery Updates.

Find more photos like this on Saturday Night VIP

Since our photo gallery is having problems, we are doing gallery updates on Saturday Night VIP. For the next 2 weeks (and maybe longer), We promise a new gallery each day, new or old. We will be copying our old gallery plus adding new pics. Check out our updates!

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