


Welcome to the new season of The-Saturdays.Co.Uk! It’s been a while, but we are back and ready to give you more! Watch our site for the next few weeks, because we are completely revamping our style! And on a more serious note, all approved workers should arrive soon! We will not wait for you… If you are not approved, don’t worry, this is not to you. We will be approving new workers shortly. Thank you and get ready! Up is where we go from here!

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Meet the New Staff: OLM!

As The-Saturdays.Co.Uk were scouting for writers, a familiar name reared his head. Ladies and gentlemen, we present the great mix-master OLM! Here are some words from the new staff member.

“Hi everyone, im Oli (known as OLM-Remix to most of you) and i’m going to be updating the news and chart updates on! I’m very excited to join as I love website editing, informing people of the latest news, and adore The Saturdays. You may know me from my website(s), YouTube and various forums across the net including the wonderful Generation Network which I have been a part of for many years now.

I’ll be on the site in a couple of weeks so make sure you check back to to see me in action!

Remember, submissions for staff will end at the beginning of August. If you want to join the team, NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT!

Meet the New Staff: OLM! Read More »

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