
Tour also incoming

As Ben Foden took to twitter this evening, Una didn’t want to feel left out! Nothing really groundbreaking was tweeted, apart from a question was asked – unsurprisingly – about the tour, to which Una replied that the tour is set to be announced when the next single ‘Not Giving Up’ is given a bit more official release date.

Nothing, again, too surprising here, but seemingly this would confirm that the shoot for this week was promotional pictures for the forthcoming tour, and dates are set to be announced as-and-when the single gets a more official release date.

We shall keep everyone updated.

Tour also incoming Read More »

Mollie denies prince rumours – again

@MollieTheSats took to twitter this afternoon for an impromptu question and answers session – I hope this isn’t some silly 30 Days promo thing – get the girls on TV please!! Either way she tweeted about her relationship with Prince Harry:

Guys I’m getting lots of tweets about Prince Harry but as i said last wk,i’m not dating him & we’re not in a relationship.We’re just friends

Source: Twitter 

Mollie denies prince rumours – again Read More »

Recording Times

Seems movement is afoot in the world of @thesaturdays ….

Una: You guys knows your birds!! Yes its definitely a green woodpecker! He/she brightened up my blue Monday lol! Now off to the studio!! 🙂

MollieWhy do I record standing on my tip toes?

Place your bets now … are these new tracks for a re-release of ‘On Your Radar’ or are these new tracks for a potential Greatest Hits album release … or something else totally …

Recording Times Read More »

Saturdays back to work!

It seems, after a long – deserved! – holiday for the girls @TheSaturdays are now back to some work. Their official Twitter has tweeted out a picture of Frankie today suggesting they might be either recording songs or writing some perhaps? It seems all Frankie wants to do is become a reporter for WeLovePop tho 😉 A little bit later on they tweeted this:
It was SO much fun all being back at work together today! 2012 is going to be SUCH a big year for us Sats…we can’t wait. xx

It looks very promising to me, but let’s wait and see! 🙂

Saturdays back to work! Read More »

Up next … the power ballad

We’ve had the Pop-Dub (kinda) single 1 – Notorious, we then moved onto a dance-inspired single 2 – All Fired Up, so where do we go next? Power Ballad of course! The Saturdays continue to mix up the single releases, and making us all (maybe too excited!) for the new album. Rochelle on twitter today:

Shooting our new video this week…:) #ontothenextone haha…SO EXCITED for you guys to see/hear its a power ballad yayyyyyyyyyyy….

Source: Rochelle Twitter

Up next … the power ballad Read More »

Vanessa denies: she will not be going on Celebrity Big Brother

Some may be disappointed, some may be relieved – either way, Vanessa has denied the rumours she’ll be going on Celebrity Big Brother (remember our post a couple of weeks ago?). And what other place to do it then Twitter?! See Vanessa’s Tweet below:

Just to clarify I will NOT be going on celebrity big brother lol

To which Mollie kindly replied …

@vanessawhite Oh dammit, I thought we could’ve got some peace and quiet for a few weeks! Hahahaha!

You can click on their Tweets to go to the sites 🙂

Vanessa denies: she will not be going on Celebrity Big Brother Read More »

Reminder: Vote for Mollie

Voting CLOSES at MIDNIGHT on 30th April … time is ticking please vote vote and vote again!!

Just 2 days left to vote for Mollie on Twitter for the ”dyslexiaitsme choice awards”! Remember to do your bit and vote as much as you can by tweeting something like the following: @dyslexiaitsme I vote for @MollieTheSats for the #itsmechoiceaward – we’ll be reminding you on Twitter daily so make sure you RT everyone that is voting to get those votes in for Mollie! We are convinced #teamsats can do it with some margine but just to make sure keep RT’ing/tweeting it guys!

Note: This post is stickied until the competition ends to get in as many votes as possible for Mollie – for other new news you’ll have to scroll down to see it.

Reminder: Vote for Mollie Read More »

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